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About Riverbank Language Academy

Riverbank Language Academy Students will receive a high quality, bilingual and bi-literate education to ensure excellence for all.


-Mission Statement

The origins of Riverbank Language Academy began over fifteen years ago at Rio Altura Elementary School with a group of dedicated bilingual teachers driven by the desire to address students' academic needs in the bilingual program, specifically English Learners. A community of parents and teachers and members of the Riverbank community envisioned a bilingual structured program that would develop bilingualism and bi-literacy for all students. Additionally, this group envisaged this as a program of choice, where any family wishing to build bilingualism would have the opportunity to enroll in this program. The visionary teachers, parents and community members decided to establish a charter school that would develop an exemplary program for students in the Riverbank community. Therefore, with hard work, commitment, and dedication, Riverbank Language Academy was officially established in 2007 as the community's first dual-immersion charter school.

Riverbank Language Academy (RLA) is a public dual-language immersion charter school located in the city of Riverbank. RLA currently serves 570 students in grades transitional kindergarten through eighth grade, offering a two-way Spanish immersion program. Student enrollment includes approximately 60% receiving free or reduced lunch, 45% English Language Learners, and 6% receiving special education. RLA's dual language immersion program is designed to build fluency in
both Spanish and English; native Spanish and English-speaking children have the opportunity to develop their listening, speaking, reading, writing, and academic language skills. RLA achieves academic excellence and the development of each student’s physical, emotional, and social well-being through the utilization of the 90/10 Dual Language Immersion (DLI) model, instruction in the arts and technology, and the development of school-community partnerships. RLA promotes high expectations in developing student potential where students are immersed in the language and a rigorous, interdisciplinary, high-quality academic program.

Evidence of this high-quality program in action includes:

  • Eight Grade Student CAASPP scores exceeding California's state averages in English Language Arts.
  • Rapid growth in student achievement in both languages (English and Spanish) measured by different assessment data, NWEA assessments, ELPAC, APRENDA, and other formative and summative measures.
  • University partnerships with California State University Stanislaus.
  • Professional Development in Balanced Literacy Approach to teaching reading and writing through Writer’s and Reader's Workshop for grades TK-8 (Teachers College,
  • Columbia University, New York, NY).
  • Community partnerships and events and the coordination of the annual RLA Cultural Festival with more than 1,000 members of the RLA community in attendance.
  • Graduating 8th graders obtain the Silver Seal of Multilingual Proficiency and go directly into Advanced Placement Spanish courses when entering high school.
  • So what is a Charter School?

    Charter schools are tuition-free public schools with unparalleled innovation and flexibility. By forming a strong partnership among parents, students and teachers, charter schools are able to create an environment that’s specially tailored for the students who go there.


    An environment where:

    • Parents are encouraged to be involved
    • Teachers have the freedom to innovate
    • Students have the chance to learn
    • All three are held accountable for improving student achievement


    See more CA charter information at:

  • Without the support and dedication of parents, community members, students, RUSD and other stakeholders, RLA would have never become a reality.  The letters of support provided here are examples of the kind of support and dedication we have received from parents and other stakeholders.



    May 2, 2006

    Dear Friends:

    Please accept this letter of support on behalf of Ms. Rosie Ramos, Mr. Martin Gonzalez and Mr. William Redford, who are Developer Members of the California Charter Schools Association, the professional and membership organization for the nearly 600 charter schools in the State of California, serving almost 200,000 public school students.

    As you are aware, a petition to establish and operate a charter school in your district was submitted by the petitioners above, to better serve dual immersion, Spanish-speaking students in your area. Please be advised that we are working closely with this developer group to ensure that their proposed program is developed to the highest quality and that all elements of the charter petition are aligned with best practices, as defined by the State Board Model Petition, the appropriate Education Code governing charters, and the Charter Schools Association’s Quality Statements.  As Developer Members, the petitioners are receiving advocacy support and policy advice, as well as program review from our offices, to ensure not only a quality program, but also full compliance with and awareness of the provisions of the law governing charter school petition processes and procedures as they negotiate their petition review with your district. 

    We would be most pleased to answer any additional questions you may have about the petitioning process or the District’s responsibilities as a charter authorizer under the Education Code – we offer support to charter authorizing entities as well. Please feel free to call on us with any questions or concerns. Additionally, the CDE’s Charter Schools Division has provided support to this development group, and we are working closely with the CDE to ensure that the proposed charter school in Riverbank will meet the highest standards of excellence for the families in your area.

    Very Best Regards,

    Myrna Castrejón
    Vice President – School Development and Operations Support



    May 2, 2006

    To Whom It May Concern:

    The Charter Development Alliance (CDA), a non-profit organization, is pleased to announce its support for the development of the Riverbank Language Academy. Founded in 2000 with the goal of creating excellent public schools utilizing the charter school mechanism, CDA is dedicated to supporting high quality charter schools. We believe that charter schools are an excellent mechanism for improving public education by providing flexibility, focusing on student achievement, facilitating creativity, improving parental involvement and sharing best practices with local public schools. 

    Now in its sixth year, CDA has experience in developing charter school programs for pre-K through twelfth grade. Its own dual immersion charter school, El Sol Science and Arts Academy, demonstrated the power of the dual immersion strategy with 2005 API growth scores of 103 for the school as a whole and 135 points for the economically disadvantaged subgroup. We are also very proud of the parent and student support we receive which was demonstrated this past semester when 95 out of the Academy’s 295 students had perfect attendance.

    The Charter Development Alliance is presently acting as the fiscal agent for the Riverbank Language Academy’s fundraising efforts and will continue to assist in the development and fundraising efforts in accordance with the schools charter petition and under advisement from the school’s board of directors.  

    We look forward to working with the teachers and parents of the Riverbank Language Academy in creating a charter school that will benefit the Riverbank community and the Riverbank Unified School District.


    Susan Mas
    Executive Director



    The following letter of support was written by the former RUSD Superintendent in support of our formal relationship with UC Berkeley and CSU Stanislaus:


    Dear Dr. Burns:

    I am pleased to provide this letter of support for the Riverbank Language Academy’s (RLA) participation in the Federal Improving Teacher Quality grant project of the Center for Research on Education, Diversity, and Excellence (CREDE).  It is my understanding that this grant project is a 3-year collaboration among University of California, Berkeley, California State University Stanislaus and local education agencies such as RLA.

    As you know, Riverbank Language Academy is an active member of the CSU Stanislaus Dual Language Consortium of Schools.  In fact, during the recent Dual Language Immersion Conference at CSUS, a number of RLA teachers lead workshops that were delivered at the conference.  The RLA Community is excited about the opportunity to work in collaboration with both Stanislaus and Berkeley in an effort to improve student achievement through the improvement of teacher quality.  At RLA, our focus on student achievement is achieved through integrated thematic instruction; the use of a 90:10 Dual Language Immersion Model; bridging home and school communities; and the development of students and teachers as lifelong learners.

    I have reviewed the aims and outlined activities presented in the CREDE Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with RLA, and I approve of the professional development and evaluation activities described.  The district is aware of the informed consent process, including the right of any teacher to withdraw from the project at any time.  I am also aware that personnel may want to videotape classroom instruction or professional development activities for evaluation purposes or for the creation of professional development products such as CDs or DVDs on best practices.  I will support this as long as parent permission is acquired in advance (and in accordance with RUSD policy) if students are to be seen or heard in the products.  

    I look forward to improving student achievement from this collaboration.


    Joseph A. Galindo


  • RLA is a public tuition-free charter school located in the City of Riverbank, California. We are proud to be RUSD's first tuition-free school-of-choice located in Riverbank.

    RLA operates as a school within the Riverbank Unified School District with its own Advisory Board that guides the daily operations of the school.  The current RLA Charter Petition was approved by the RUSD Board of Trustees in 2010 and has been approved for five years (through 2015, the maximum allowable by law).  RLA will eventually educate over 540 students in grades Kindergarten through Eighth Grade.  We are pleased to currently serve over 415 students in grades K-8.  RLA achieves academic excellence and the development of each student’s physical, emotional and social well-being through utilization of the 90/10 Dual Language Immersion model (also referred to as DLI), instruction in the arts and technology, and developing school-community partnerships.  RLA promotes high expectations in developing student potential where students are immersed, not only in language, but, in a rigorous interdisciplinary high quality academic program.

    The creation of RLA was inspired by the original Rio Altura DLI Program Staff who saw an opportunity to enhance and expand the learning opportunities of students through the creation of a Two-Way Immersion charter school.  Ultimately, EO's and EL's who attend RLA in grade kindergarten to eighth grade are preparing to meet the educational and professional challenges they will encounter in the 21st century.  RLA graduates will be global thinkers; equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in the next stage of their lives. 

  • Parents and the Community At-Large:

    Charter schools rely heavily on parent and community involvement.  50% of RLA's Board consists of parents and community members.  RLA prides itself on the fact that it came to life through parents and community members that had a vision for a high quality school of choice in the Riverbank Community.


    Riverbank Unified School District (RUSD):

    RLA is sponsored by the RUSD Governing Board and is considered a public school within RUSD.  Through the RLA Charter Petition the RUSD Board of Trustees approved the development of the RLA Board of Directors who are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the school.  The RLA Board consists of Parents, Community Members, RUSD Members, and Teachers.  RUSD has enabled RLA to become a true community-based school with its own autonomy, while still maintaining its oversight duties.

    In addition to board representation, RLA and RUSD have agreed to collaborate in the form a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU); an agreement that will solidify RLA's partnership with RUSD and ensure that RLA's educational program is the very best it can be.


    The California Charter Schools Association (CCSA):

    The California Charter Schools Association (The Association) is the membership and professional organization serving charter public schools in California. In other words, they are the backbone, the support system that gives charter teachers, parents and students the help they need to create an educational environment like no other.

    RLA is a member of the California Charter Schools Association and will seek Certified Membership so that parents and community members will know that RLA is in alignment with the Association's Quality Statements for Charter School Operations. 

  • RLA is a High Quality School of Choice for the Community of Riverbank and other interested Stanislaus County residents.  The school has been established with its own distinct purpose, mission, vision and goals that set it apart from other California Public Schools.  As a School of Choice, it is not enough for RLA to become just another public school; we want to be a public school that provides students with an exceptional public school education.



    The mission of the Riverbank Language Academy is to provide K-8 students with a state standards aligned, educational program rich in arts and sciences; utilizing a 90/10 Dual Language Immersion program in Spanish and English to deliver curriculum thematically in a linguistically and culturally safe learning environment.



    Riverbank Language Academy students will graduate from the 8th grade bilingual and bi-literate, achieving at or above grade level proficiency. RLA students will have developed interest and appreciation for the arts and sciences; and will be life-long learners, demonstrating multi-cultural and linguistic respect. 


    *With the approval of the RLA Charter Petition the RUSD Board of Trustees has established a distinct Mission and Vision for RLA.  However, RLA also embraces and supports the broader Mission and Vision held by RUSD and its role as one public school option in system of schools committed to educating our students and community at-large.


    As a public charter school, the RLA team is committed to the following DLI program tenants:

    • Provide a high quality “School of Choice” for the community of Riverbank,
    • Provide relief for Riverbank’s already impacted elementary schools,
    • The Academy’s structure and focus will be to facilitate the full implementation of the Dual Language Immersion program model (as prescribed in research-based methodology),
    • Increase student enrollment in the DLI program,
    • Extend the academic day and calendar year,
    • Teach standards-based content through standards-based thematic teaching,
    • Provide student data-driven instruction,  and
    • Teach research-based state adopted curriculum for all learners, using reaserch-based instruction methodologies--


    The founding group strongly believes that this only a partial list of the program strengths.  Other examples of charter-specific benefits of the RLA Program include charter school specific funding and research opportunities. 

  • RLA's dual “two-way” immersion program brings together native speakers of Spanish, with native speakers of English, in the same classroom. Both groups of students develop fluency and literacy in both languages. The early grades are taught mostly in Spanish. The amount of English-language instruction increases as the children progress through the grades. English-language instruction typically reaches 50 percent by fifth grade*. 


    Two-Way Immersion 90/10 Model

    Grade Grade English
    K & 1st 90% 10%
    2nd 80% 20%
    3rd 70% 30%
    4th 60% 40%
    5-8th 50% 50%

    *RLA middle grades (6-8) coursework is not always 50% Spanish and 50% English

    A careful analysis of the current DLI research indicates that the educational and linguistic needs of both ELL and EO students can best be met by combining the most effective features of immersion foreign language education and two-way immersion (90/10 model) education into a unified Dual Language Immersion model.  Dual Language Immersion programs are most effective when both EO students and ELL students are fully integrated for a majority of their instruction.  In Kindergarten, for example, students are taught intensive Spanish oral language skills. Such skills enrich students’ academic performance as they are promoted to the upper grades. When English and Spanish speaking students, as well as students of different performance levels, are given opportunities to interact and work together, they benefit linguistically, academically and socially.  Dual Language Immersion programs have delivered impressive rates of academic success in both English and the minority language (Spanish) for both limited English proficient students, native English speakers, and bilingual students, (Tempes, 1984-85; Krashen & Biber, 1988). 


    Please click here to read this Wall Street Journal article.